Current Issue
2024 Vol.29, Issue 4
Carbon-free Energy Transition in Thermal Power Plant:Ammonia Injection Strategies Analysis in Boiler Simulator
화력발전 무탄소 에너지 전환을 위한보일러 모사 장치에서 암모니아 주입 전략 연구
Sang-Hwa Song, Ji-Hwan Lee, Hyeong-Bin Moon, Seung-Mo Kim, Gyeong-Min Kim, Chung-Hwan Jeon
송상화, 이지환, 문형빈, 김승모, 김경민, 전충환
Carbon-free Energy Transition in Thermal Power Plant:Ammonia Injection Strategies Analysis in Boiler Simulator
A Study on Co-combustion Characteristics of Food Waste-based Solid Fuel (FWSF) in an 80 kWth Pulverized Coal Combustion System
80 kWth급 미분탄 연소 시스템에서 음식 폐기물 기반 고형 연료 혼소시 연소 특성 연구
Woohyun Sim, Jaewook Lee, Won Yang, Taeyoung Chae, Changkook Ryu, Lee Tae Kim, Yoona Jeong
심우현, 이재욱, 양원, 채태영, 류창국, 김이태, 정윤아
A Study on Co-combustion Characteristics of Food Waste-based Solid Fuel (FWSF) in an 80 kWth Pulverized Coal Combustion System
Utilizing Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway for an Advanced Propulsion: Theory Development and Case Studies
리튬이온 배터리 열폭주 기반의 추력발생 이론 및 응용
Minseok Kim, Rajak Rajendra, Daehong Lim, Jai-ick Yoh
김민석, 라젠드라라작, 임대홍, 여재익
Utilizing Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway for an Advanced Propulsion: Theory Development and Case Studies
Numerical Study on Ammonia Injection Strategy to Improve De-NOx Performance for Swirl Burner Fueled with Ammonia
암모니아 스월 버너에서 De-NOx 성능 향상을 위한 암모니아 분사 전략에 대한 수치적 연구
Minhyeok Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Jungsoo Park
김민혁, 김종현, 박정수
Numerical Study on Ammonia Injection Strategy to Improve De-NOx Performance for Swirl Burner Fueled with Ammonia
Propulsion Performance Analysis of a Turbofan Engine Using the Ammonia-Blended Fuel: Low-Order Numerical Simulation
암모니아 혼소 및 전소 환경에서 터보팬 엔진의 추진 성능 분석: 저차원 모델 기반 수치해석
Eunwoo Jung, Sinyoung Park, Minwoo Lee
정은우, 박신영, 이민우
Propulsion Performance Analysis of a Turbofan Engine Using the Ammonia-Blended Fuel: Low-Order Numerical Simulation
Carbon Free NH3 Co-firing Behavior in Fluidized Bed Reactor: Effect of Blending Ratio and Stoichiometric Ratio
유동층 반응기 내 탄소 중립 NH3 혼소 특성: 혼소율 및 Stoichiometric ratio의 영향
Jae-Sung Kim, Min-Woo Kim, Kyeong-Ho Kim, Haotian Ma, Seung-Mo Kim, Byoung-Hwa Lee, Chung-Hwan Jeon
김재성, 김민우, 김경호, 마하오톈, 김승모, 이병화, 전충환
Carbon Free NH3 Co-firing Behavior in Fluidized Bed Reactor: Effect of Blending Ratio and Stoichiometric Ratio
Combustion Characteristics of Methanol/Gasoline Blended Fuels in SI Engine: Effects of Methanol Fraction and Injection Timing
메탄올/가솔린 혼합연료를 적용한 SI 엔진에서 연료의 분율 및 분사시기에 따른 연소 특성
Hyunsoo Kim, Seungwon Lee, Choongsik Bae
김현수, 이승원, 배충식
Combustion Characteristics of Methanol/Gasoline Blended Fuels in SI Engine: Effects of Methanol Fraction and Injection Timing
NOx Prediction of a Hydrogen Gas Turbine Combustor using Chemical Reactor Network and Computational Fluid Dynamics
화학 반응기 네트워크와 전산유체해석을 통한 수소 전소 가스터빈 연소기의 NOx 예측
Minjun Choi, Geonryul Lee, Minseok Han, Youngjun Shin, Kee Man Lee, Dong-Hyuk Shin
최민준, 이건률, 한민석, 신영준, 이기만, 신동혁
NOx Prediction of a Hydrogen Gas Turbine Combustor using Chemical Reactor Network and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Flame Stabilization Mode Classification and Prediction in an Ethylene-Fueled Supersonic Combustor Model
에틸렌 연료 초음속 연소기 모델에서 화염 안정 모드의 분류 및 예측
Hyung-suk Lee, Inyoung Yang, Sang-hoon Lee
이형석, 양인영, 이상훈
Flame Stabilization Mode Classification and Prediction in an Ethylene-Fueled Supersonic Combustor Model
Evaluation of a Turbulent Non-premixed Combustion Model for the Design of an Ammonia-fueled Burner
암모니아 전소 버너 설계를 위한 난류 비예혼합 연소 해석 모델의 평가
Gibeom Park, Won Yang, Taeyoung Chae, Changkook Ryu
박기범, 양원, 채태영, 류창국
Evaluation of a Turbulent Non-premixed Combustion Model for the Design of an Ammonia-fueled Burner
NOx Emission Characteristics of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Co-Firing Combustion for EV Burner Fuel Hole Design
EV 버너 연료홀 설계에 따른 수소 혼소 연소의 질소산화물 배출 특성
Jeongjae Hwang, Won June Lee, Kyungwook Min, Min Kuk Kim, Han-Seok Kim, Do Won Kang
황정재, 이원준, 민경욱, 김민국, 김한석, 강도원
NOx Emission Characteristics of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Co-Firing Combustion for EV Burner Fuel Hole Design